
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Benefits of an Integrated BloodBank Software

The Stats of the road rampages that the India streets have witnessed in the past year are startling. And they are not getting any better day today. They only tend to swallow more and more lives with each passing day. In a majority of cases, lives are lost because of blood loss. The saddening part of this scenario is that these lives can be very efficiently saved in most of the cases but are lost due to the scarcity of the needed blood type or blood donor. These scenarios can easily be avoided by taking advantages of the available resources and technologies. And the most obvious one that pops into our mind is the use of the internet to find blood donors. The best ways to reduce the number of death casualties are: ·    Spreading awareness about the safety measures that must be followed in order to keep everyone on the road safe. ·   Keeping a strict check on drunk driving as it accounts for over half the accidents that ae witnessed. ·   Promotion of net blood banks and online b